Live 3 Day "Scientific Application of Mobility Training" and "The Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint" seminar
Two of the best in the fitness business come together to share cutting edge information on what they know best.
Dean Somerset
Dean Somerset is an Exercise Physiologist who specializes in injury post-rehabilitation, and has worked with professional and Olympic athletes, post-surgical recovery, congenital disorders, and cardiac recovery patients, as well as those looking to just move and feel better for day to day activities. He’s developed a reputation as a leading authority on training, mobility, and strength training.
The beard game is also on point.
Tony Gentilcore
Tony Gentilcore, CSCS, is one of the co-founders of Cressey Sports Performance and now coaches in Boston, MA. During his time at CSP he worked with thousands of baseball players from every level focusing on detailed assessment protocols to address common shoulder dysfunctions and injuries within that demographic. In addition, Tony has extensive experience working with non-athletes and many of the common shoulder issues they run into from years of wear and tear in the gym.
He also kinda likes deadlifts.
Reserve your Spot
[Special Price]
Early Bird until 10 June 2023

Key Concepts
Differentiation of tissue responses to common mobility modalities
Individual anatomic variations and assessments, changes in adaptation over aging
Neurovascular responses to force applications in mobility training scenarios
Research-based best practices to see specific mobility improvements depending on affected tissues
Application of mobility methods (practical section)
Mobility is a key phrase used in many strength and conditioning, as well as rehabilitation settings. With this, the application of mobility training is typically not backed by the current body of research, nor is it highly specific to the needs of the individual in terms of whether it’s a structural, neural, or mechanical limitation that they’re approaching.
Each type tissue responds to different types of mobility training.
This course outlines the current research in mobility training, how it’s application is best utilized, and breaks down how to specify the most appropriate modalities to get the fastest specific results possible.
Lecture: 50%
Practical/Hands-on learning: 50%
Learning Objectives
Understand the needs of each client or patient you see, plus direct ways to address their specific concerns regarding mobility training.
Identifying specific limitations to mobility, and how they may be affecting the goals of the individual you’re working with.
Appropriate use of tools such as long-hold static stretches, contract/relax modalities, eccentric overloads, loaded end ranges, and positional isometrics.
Effectively coach different modalities mentioned above for improvement of shoulder and hip function, specifically.
Programming considerations for mobility, including when to move on from mobility training to more advanced modalities in strength & conditioning, plus when to return focus back to mobility training within a training calendar.
Continuing Education Credits
Scientific Application of Mobility Training is approved by the NSCA for 0.7 CEUs or 7 contact hours. Certification from the workshop can be used to petition for credit through other nationally and internationally recognized certification bodies.

About Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint
This workshop takes participants through the complete systems used by both of us to improve upper body and lower body function, strength, endurance, and resiliency.
We show you how to connect the dots between a thorough assessment, understanding what corrective strategies (if any) will work best, and how to build a training program to help you and your clients in the most direct way possible.
Here’s a sample of some concepts we dig into.
How to use the static and integrative assessments to guide your training program.
How breathing mechanics – particularly diaphragm movement – drives mobility of the upper body and stability of the lower body, and how to use it to see fast improvements in both.
The importance of breathing, thoracic mobility, scapular mobility, and shoulder mobility in looking at shoulder, elbow or wrist limitations.
Why “impingement” is a garbage term, how to assess for it, the difference between internal and external impingement, and what it means to your training program
Training the overhead athlete and their specific considerations, and the differences between them and the “desk jockey” client and what limits overhead mobility in many people
Coaching and improving pushups, chin ups, presses, and dozens of corrective options
Why this matters to you:
Help your clients get through common shoulder issues more effectively.
Streamline your assessment and program design, helping you get faster results and more efficient use of your time, and that of your clients’
Help you see the details of shoulder motion you didn’t notice before, and whether something you’re using in your exercise program is working or not.
Upgrade your exercise toolbox to address commonly overlooked movement issues.
How specific anatomical individual differences play a role in training, how to find them, and what to do to capitalize on them.
Use a test re-test assessment to your advantage and show clients where and how they can improve.
Combining passive, active, and compound assessments to drill down to what the person needs to work on NOW to see progress IMMEDIATELY.
Understand the difference between structural, neural, soft tissue, and motor pattern limitations to movement, and design a program to address the specific considerations.
How to determine optimal squat and deadlift stances for an individuals anatomical considerations. This may even mean using an imbalanced approach to balance their structure.
Train to improve strength, active mobility, and durability with a variety of modalities, plus when to adjust to make each easier or harder.
What this means to you:
You can help clients see IMMEDIATE improvements, sometimes in as little as a minute or two, which will help them buy in to your abilities.
Help you target in on what will work best for the person in front of you, saving you both the time spent on useless exercises or drills.
Connect the dots between assessments, mobility, strength, and conditioning program considerations
Break down a system you can use today with yourself or your clients to see instant benefit while removing the guess work.
Reserve your Spot
[Special Price]
Early Bird until 10 June 2023
Continuing Education Credits
The Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint + Scientific Application of Mobility Training is approved by the NSCA for 2.7 CEUs or 21 contact hours. Certification from the workshop can be used to petition for credit through other nationally and internationally recognized certification bodies.
We are proud to have Keiser at the 3-Day Bundle Pack Seminar powered by FOCUS FITNESS! Kostas Vourazeris and Antonis Modinos will be delivering sponsored sessions on Power Training at the Event.
Workshop Registration
Limited spaces, so please register soon to reserve your spot.
When: Friday 20th / Saturday 21st / Sunday 22nd , October 2023
Where: Athens , Greece
Location : TrainBox , Leof. Amarousiou 58, Iraklio
Time: Friday 12:00am - 8:00pm - Saturday 10:00am – 6:00pm, Sunday 9:00am - 5:00pm , Athens Time
Refund Policy
Refunds will only be granted for the following situations:
Failure of the host to attend the event
Failure of the facility to be operational at the time of the event. This would include maintenance or utility issues (heat, power), local government restrictions, or other factors that would prevent successful operation during the event.
Outside of these circumstances, refunds will not be provided. A space at a live event can be gifted to another individual, assuming they meet the above mentioned vaccination requirements